A holy and subversive anointing
of cinema. Senior citizens
have seized the reins. Traveled back centuries
in search of alternate entertainment.
Otherworldly, sui generis, merch.
Take an old treason told a million times
(now forty-four on film) and roll it
like a heavy stone into The Twilight Zone.
Movie critics crying out loudspeakers
while I’m sprinting through a corn maze:
“You might recall Raising Arizona
is about a childless married couple’s
crazy crime spree!” Waiting for the right moment
to make, or break, the gerontocracy.
I waited for the right moment to write
this meta-sonnet sequence. The Rise
and Fall of the Roman Empire as
a recontextualization of
the entire American multiplex
on SSRIs. A petty theater
thesis that soars to literary heights,
sinks at the box office, then disintegrates
into the aesthetic ether of our
cursed country. I think my latest effort
is definitely… metronomic? nerdy?
wordy? worthy of a red tomato?
Tomorrow, the next poem, and tomorrow,
the next poem, and tomorrow, the next.
Matthew Klane has an MA in Poetics from SUNY Buffalo and an MFA in Poetry from the Iowa Writers' Workshop. His books include Hist (w/ James Belflower, Calamari Archive 2022), Canyons (w/ James Belflower, Flimb Press 2016), Che (Stockport Flats 2013) and B (Stockport Flats 2008). An e-chapbook from Of the Day is online at Delete Press, an e-book My is online at Fence Digital, and a chapbook Poetical Sketches is available from The Magnificent Field. He currently lives and writes in Albany, NY. See: matthewklane.com.